TurboFil semi-automatic benchtop draw filling system for your syringes. This system uses a servo controlled plunger drawback system to dose the syringes directly from a reservoir bag. We will attach the syringes to a disposable adaptor resulting in a fully disposable fluid path
The operator will hang the reservoir bag and attach the product contact set using a specially designed fixture. The operator will manually place a syringe, with plunger inserted, vertically onto the fixture.
Once the operator presses the pushbutton or footpedal on the panel the system will advance the syringe to the press-fit nozzle. It will then fill the syringes by drawing back on the plunger to the desired volume. There will be a priming function available for each syringe to facilitate air bubble removal. The number of priming cycles will be settable via the HMI. The fill volumes will be electronically adjustable.
After the filling cycle is complete, the machine will retract the syringe to the starting position and the operator will remove the syringe from the fixture, and replace it with a new one.
Plunger pullback via servo controlled draw
Nozzle or disposable adaptor in lieu of nozzle
Delrin holding puck (one required for each size syringe)
Fully disposable fluid path
Electronic volume adjustment
Simple operation and maintenance
Fills hot and cold products
Single or dual head available